The ÖFFK held this year’s ISTB European Takeda Budo Championship in the Sportsarea Grimming (Niederöblarn, Austria), where 7

nations were represented this time. The program included the disciplines Aikido Tori Waza and Sogo Randori Shiai, Iaido Batto Shiai, Jodo Toriwaza and Fukurojo Randori Shiai as well as Shugi Toriwaza Randori Shiai, Jukempo Kumite Randori Shiai and Sobukendo Shiai.The adult competitions were held in two performance categories, kyu (coloured belts) and Dan (black belts). In addition, there were again children’s and youth competitions in the disciplines Aikido Tori Waza and Sogo Randori Shiai, Iaido Batto Shiai as well as Fukurojo Randori Shiai.

The Austrian Budoka achieved great successes among adults as well as children and adolescents. The results lists with all the details can be viewed here.

The general conditions of the Sportsarea Grimming (sports facilities as well as accommodation and catering for the competitors) provided an ideal environment, and the organizing team of the ÖFFK and the international refereeing team provided by the ISTB ensured a smooth operation without more serious injuries. Thus, the event was a complete success, which will certainly have a positive effect on the further development of the Takeda Budo in Europe.

German translation