Aikido & Jukempo

On November 17, 2018, this year’s Austrian Takeda Budo Championships took place in Vienna. Promotor was the

Austrian Federation of Asian Fighting Sports (Österreichischer Fachverband für Fernöstliche Kampfsportarten, ÖFFK) in cooperation with the International Society for Takeda Budo (ISTB). This event was organized and directed by the traditional Viennese Club Sobukan Union Wien, who did a great work with the support of ÖFFK and ISTB and managed the numerous competitions well programmed and safely.

The Championships were held in AIKIDO Tori Waza Randori and Sogo Randori Shiai and in JUKEMPO Kumite Randori Shiai. The promotor and the organizer were very satisfied by the participants’ enthusiasm, which was reflected in many impressive fights. (For detailed results click here.)

For the year 2019, the next Takeda Budo Championships are already in planning. The championship for the weapon disciplines is previewed for spring 2019. The exact date will be announced until January 2019 at the latest.